Thank you for purchasing this CDROM from CD Titles. This file contains warranty and guarantee information pertaining to use of the software, and limitations which govern this software. Please read this file carefully. By using this software, you are agreeing to become bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not use this software, promptly return the entire package to the place where you obtained it for a full refund. REQUIREMENTS: PC: Windows 3.1+; Windows 95. GETTING STARTED: Windows 3.1+: Using Program Manager, click on FILE, RUN, BROWSE. Select your CDROM drive letter and choose SETUP2.EXE. Then follow the instructions. NOTE: If you do not have video drivers on your system, you can install them from WINVIDEO directory of this CDROM. Windows 95: Most of the systems should start the CDROM automatically after you insert it into the drive. If your system does not have this capability then click on START, RUN, BROWSE. Choose SETUP2.EXE from the CDROM folder. USE RESTRICTIONS: The entire contents of this CD-ROM is copyrighted and no part may not be duplicated or distributed except as specifically listed herein. You may NOT incorporate any portions of the contents of this CD into any other product. Other than specifically listed herein, no sound, picture, text or animation may be duplicated or distributed. For more information about using these files, contact Andre Bullitt (see file AREADME.TXT). TERMS: The software and data on this CD have no guarantee of any type whatsoever. CD Titles does not advise nor recommend use of any program or application software included on this CD-ROM. By purchasing this CD, the user agrees that CD Titles will not be held liable for any damages, including lost profits, savings, or any other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or the presence of any data orprogram, or the inability to use this program or any of the programs from this CD, even if CD Titles has been notified of the possibility of such damages, or for any claims by any other party. Our only warranty is limited to this actual CD-ROM: it is deemed to be free from physical defects for 60 days from date of purchase. If it's defective, CD Titles will replace it with the same type. VIRUSES: The files on this CD have been thoroughly virus scanned by current commercially-available anti-virus software. One should always have recent backups. NETWORKING/BBS: This disc is licensed to be used on a single stand-alone workstation. It may be used on a network as long as only one workstation may access it at a time. Under no conditions can this CD or any of its files be placed on a BBS. It may be physically loaned (as in a public library) or rented. COPYRIGHTS/TRADEMARKS: Brand names, trademarks, software titles are mentioned for statements of compatibility only. Use of this software and data carries certain restrictions described in appropriate sections on the disc's documentation and as follows. Other than specifically listed herein, no part may duplicated or distributed. You may NOT incorporate any portions of the contents of this CD into any other product. Plot of the Cyberheads application program, compilation, and data (c) Copyright 1995, Andre Bullitt. Portions and compilation (c)Copyright 1996 CD Titles, Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication by any means is strictly prohibited. Package (c)Copyright 1996, CD Titles, Inc. Made in U.S.A. NOTE: Prices and terms are subject to change without notice. CD Titles, Inc. 411 Waverley Oaks Road Waltham, MA 02154-8414 tel: (617) 642-1700 fax: (617) 642-1704 email: web page: